Present Continuous
Prezentul continuu exprimă în general o acţiune în desfăşurare în momentul vorbirii sau o acţiune care nu a fost terminată la momentul vorbirii.
Se formează cu ajutorul verbului auxiliar to be la prezent + forma de bază a verbului + ing (participiu prezent).
I am walking
You are walking
He is walking
She is walking
It is walking
We are walking
You are walking
They are walking.
come – coming
write – writing
swim – swimming
travel – travelling
run – running
sit – sitting
lie – lying
Present Continuous (Affirmative)
Prezentul continuu (Afirmativ)
I am playing.
Tom is reading.
They‘re doing an exercise.
We are learning new words now.
She is walking in the park now.
They are reading their books.
I am sitting.
I am studying to become a doctor.
I am meeting some friends after work.
Present Continuous (Interrogative)
Prezentul continuu (Interogativ)
Forma interogativă se obţine prin inversiunea auxiliarului to be cu subiectul.
Are you playing?
Is Tom reading?
Are they doing an exercise?
Are you sleeping?
Is he sitting or standing?
What are you doing?
Are they playing?
Is he eating?
Are you working on any special projects at work?
Is he visiting his parents next weekend?
Aren’t you teaching at the university now?
Isn’t he coming with us tonight?
Present Continuous (Negative)
Prezentul continuu (Negativ)
La forma negativă se adaugă not după forma de prezent simplu a auxiliarului to be.
I am not playing.
Tom isn’t reading.
They aren’t doing an exercise.
You are not swimming now.
I am not standing.
They are not watching television.
I am not studying to become a dentist.
It is not raining.
I am not going to the party tonight.