Present perfect continous, Offering, accepting, refusing, A few / a little

Present perfect continous

We use the present perfect continuous to show that the action began in the past and it is still happening or it has just stopped.

Monday –  buzz… buzz… buzz… buzz… – Wednesday
– It has been making a buzzing sound since Monday.
– It has been making a buzzing sound for two days.

– Why are you bright red in the face?
– We have been playing football.

Offering, accepting, refusing

Offering to do something for somebody

Let me help you do the cleaning.
– I‘ll carry that bag. It’s too heavy.
Shall I do it for you?

Present perfect continous, Offering, accepting, refusing, A few / a little

Accepting an offer of help

– Thank you.
– Thanks very much.
– Just what I needed, thanks.
– That’s very kind of you, thanks.

Refusing an offer of help

– No, thank you.
– No, it’s all right. I can manage.
– Thats’ very kind of you, but I can do it.

a few / a little

We use a few with things we can count.
We use a little with things we cannot count.

– Wash a few apples.
– Add a little water.

– I’m going to France for a few days next week.
– Could you bring me a little water, please?

Present perfect continous, Offering, accepting, refusing, A few / a little publicat: 2018-12-10T08:08:14+02:00, actualizat: 2018-12-10T09:05:18+02:00 by