Present Simple (Affirmative, Interrogative, Negative)

I. Present Simple

(prezentul simplu în limba engleză)

1. Prezentul simplu arată o acţiune frecventă, repetată.

(every day, year, month).

2. Prezentul simplu are forma de bază a verbului.

(write, work, read).

3. Pentru persoana a III-a singular, prezentul simplu se formează cu baza + -s.

(he writes, she works, he reads).

4. Exemplu

Conjugarea verbului to play în limba engleză la timpul present simple:

a) I play;

b) You play;

c) He plays;

d) She plays;

e) It plays;

f) We play;

g) You play;

h) They play.

II. Present Simple (Affirmative)

Prezentul simplu (Afirmativ).

a) I go to school every day.

b) He reads a book every month.

c) She lives in Braşov.

d) I play tennis.

e) The train leaves every morning at 8 AM.

f) She always forgets her purse.

g) Every twelve months, the Earth circles the Sun.

III. Present Simple (Interrogative)

Prezentul simplu (Interogativ).

La forma interogativă se foloseşte auxiliarul do sau does (la persoana a III-a singular) urmat de verb.

a) Do you go to school every day?

b) Does he read a book every month?

c) Does she live in Bucharest?

d) Does he play tennis?

e) When does the train usually leave?

f) Does the Sun circle the Earth?

g) Do you work here?

IV. Present Simple (Negative)

Prezentul simplu (Negativ).

La forma negativă se foloseşte do not (don’t) sau does not (doesn’t).

a) I don’t go to school every day.

b) He doesn’t read a book every month.

c) She doesn’t live in Bucharest.

d) She does not play tennis.

e) The train does not leave at 9 AM.

f) I do not drink wine.

g) He does not play football.

Present Simple (Affirmative, Interrogative, Negative)

Present Simple (Affirmative, Interrogative, Negative)

Present Simple (Affirmative, Interrogative, Negative) publicat: 2024-04-11T08:56:55+03:00, actualizat: 2024-04-11T10:19:04+03:00 by