Verbul „to speak” la timpurile Prezent, Trecut şi Viitor

Nominal Forms

Infinitive: to speak
Participle: spoken
Gerund: speaking

Present  Past  Future 
I speak I  spoke I  will speak
you speak you spoke you will speak
he speaks he  spoke he  will speak
we speak we  spoke we  will speak
you speak you spoke you will speak
they speak they spoke they will speak

Exemple de propoziţii cu verbul “to speak

– I speak English as often as possible. This is the best way to learn English!
Vorbesc engleza ori de câte ori este posibil. Este cea ma bună metodă de a învăţa limba engleză.

– He speaks English fluently.
El vorbeşte engleza fluent.

Verbul "to speak" la timpurile Prezent, Trecut şi Viitor

– We spoke yesterday about your math homework.
Am vorbit ieri despre tema ta la matematică.

– They will speak with Tom about the new schedule.
Ei vor vorbi cu Tom despre noul orar.

Verbul „to speak” la timpurile Prezent, Trecut şi Viitor publicat: 2019-11-26T14:20:12+02:00, actualizat: 2019-11-26T15:09:18+02:00 by